Photo mapping

Accuracy and efficiency in massive image annotation for your AI project

Why choose our image labeling service?

In Matinum we have a team of professionals with extensive experience in the massive annotation of photos, which you can later use in your artificial intelligence project through machine learning.


Our team employs advanced tools and techniques that enable the identification and annotation of key elements in the photos, thus creating accurate and reliable data sets.

Accuracy and

We can help AI-enabled companies create a quality database, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in the process, essential values in the development of these technologies.

Savings on investments

Hiring our image labeling service will allow you to save on fixed investments such as infrastructure and specialized personnel.

Outsource your machine learning project with Matinum: how it works

If you are developing an artificial intelligence project you will know that there can be no good computer vision without perfect image annotation.

This task is really important for computer vision systems, as it is used to train machine learning models and enable machines to recognize visual patterns in images. This requires a training dataset containing a large number of correctly labeled images.

The success of your artificial intelligence project then comes down entirely to what we call image annotation or labeling: our team’s expertise will allow your artificial intelligence to have the necessary training to perform flawlessly.